Clearing and Light Grid - Light Grid activation is a form of energy healing which awakens our original connection and helps clean up our blue print, physical body, mind and soul. It cleans our DNA, and removes any programs and denser energies from the cells. This also works with both family lines and past lives. It cleans the cells and resets them so their frequencies are in perfect harmony with the universe. It finds any heavy energies around the body in organs, bones, tissue and cells and helps release them, if the spirit is ready to learn from it and let go of them. It cleans the spine and activates the crystals that are in your body. The activation cleans any heavy energy from the brain and resets the frequency of the brain so you are a living channel in tune with the universe and the earth.
This work is never invasive. It goes only as deep as you allow it to in alignment with your Higher Self. You will connect with the universal grid of light and all lines will be cleaned and open to help you.
Hypnotherapy - Hypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. It’s a type of mind-body medicine.
A trained and certified hypnotherapist guides you into this deep state of focus and relaxation with verbal cues, repetition and imagery. It aids the client in tapping into the subconsciousness to release and align to your true Self.
Reiki - Many ancient cultures have always believed that life energy flows through the body which affects our body, mind, and emotions. It is an ancient Japanese form of healing.
Reiki is a technique that addresses both chronic and acute conditions. It supports good health and well being as well as a sense of inner peace and total relaxation. The actual mechanism of how Reiki works can be supported by scientific research and explanations.
Benefits of Energy Healing
•Increased vitality
•Ability to see clearly – alignment with soul purpose
•Trust to let go of what no longer serves you
•Integration of mind, body and spirit
•Heightened awareness and ability to make clear decisions in life
•Raises frequency of the cells of your body
•Clears old blockages, creating space for light to inhabit the body
•Clears fears, traumas, and heavy energies of depression and anxiety
•Re-coding of DNA to the frequency of Divine Light
•Clears chakras
•Increased intuition and inner knowing
•Clears heaviness from the Heart
All energy modalities are designed to break up blockages, trauma and stored programs within cellular memory to shift sabotaging patterns and behaviors.
*Sound may include drum, rattle or tuning forks
Also check our events page for Group Light Grid sessions
Halo Wellness Center
968 New Jersey Highway 73, Evesham, New Jersey 08053, United States